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Journal Articles

Wright, J.*, Zidenberg, A.M.*, Varsanyi, S., Macauley, K., Sanabria, S., (In Press). The Murky Circumstances of Consent in Canada: A Commentary on R v Kirkpatrick. Canadian Journal of Women and the Law/Revue femmes et droit.

*Joint first authorship


Sparks, B., Zidenberg, A. M., & Olver, M. E. (2024). One is the Loneliest Number: Involuntary Celibacy (Incels), Mental Health, and Loneliness. Current Psychology, 43(1), 392-406.


Zidenberg, A.M., Harkins, L., Shatokhina, K., & Loney, D. (2024). Reliability and Validity of the Measure of Life Priorities: A Questionnaire Based on the Good Lives Model. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice.


Zidenberg, A. M., Jewell, L., Mathias, K., & Luther, G. (2024). Professionals’ Perceptions of the Saskatoon Mental Health Strategy (MHS) Court: A Qualitative Analysis. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. Advance online publication.


Sparks, B., Zidenberg, A.M., & Olver, M. (2023). An Exploratory Study of Incels’ Dating App Experiences, Mental and Relational Well-Being. Journal of Sex Research. Advance online publication.


Wright, J.*, Zidenberg, A.M.*, Fraser, L., Peter, T., Cameron, L., & Jakubiec, B. (2023). Speak Out: Lessons on How to Support Canadian 2SLGBTQI Youth Who Face Gender-Based Violence. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 32(3), 251-263.

*Joint First Authorship


Zidenberg, A. M., & Olver, M. (2023). Weighing In: Mock Jury Perceptions of Male Sexual Assault Victims. Psychreg: Journal of Psychology, 7(2), 2-18.  


Sparks, B., Zidenberg, A.M., & Olver, M. (2022). Involuntary Celibacy: A Review of Incel Ideology and Experiences with Dating, Rejection, and Associated Mental Health and Emotional Sequelae. Current Psychiatry Reports.

Ψ Invited contribution


Zidenberg, A. M., & Olver, M. E. (2022). Measurement and Correlates of Zoophilic Interest in an Online Community Sample. Archives of Sexual Behavior. Advance online publication.


Zidenberg, A. M., Sparks, B., & Olver, M. (2022). A Survey of Veterinary Medical Professionals’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Experiences with Animal Sexual Abuse. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. Advance online publication.


Zidenberg, A.M., Kerodal, A., Jewell, L., & Luther, G. (2022). Cost Analysis of the Saskatoon Mental Health Strategy (MHS) Court. Journal of Community Safety & Well-Being, 7(3), 122-130.


Zidenberg, A. M., Dutrisac, S., & Olver, M. (2022). “No Ragrets”: Public Perceptions of Tattooed Mental Health Professionals. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 53(3), 304–312.


Zidenberg, A. M., Wielinga, F., Sparks, B., Margeotes, K., & Harkins, L. (2022). Lost in translation: A quantitative and qualitative comparison of rape myth acceptance. Psychology, Crime & Law, 28(2), 179-197.


Zidenberg, A. M. (2021). Avoiding the Deaf Penalty: A review of the experiences of d/Deaf Individuals in the criminal justice system. Disability & Society. Advance online publication.


Zidenberg, A. M., Rine, S.S.A, & Olver, M. (2021). Correctional and Forensic Contexts of d/Deaf Persons: Implications for Assessment and Treatment. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 60(6), 375-394.


Zidenberg, A. M., Sparks, B., Harkins, L., & Lidstone, S. K. (2021). Tipping the scales: The effect of gender, rape-myth acceptance and anti-fat attitudes on judgments of sexual coercion scenarios. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36 (19-20), NP10178-NP10204.


Bhutta, M.H., Wormith, J.S., & Zidenberg, A.M. (2019). Assessing the relationship between religiosity and recidivism among adult probationers in Pakistan. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 63(5), 752–780.

Book Chapters

Zidenberg, A.M. & Blades, H. (In Press). Experiences of d/Deaf Individuals in the Criminal Justice System. In S. MacDonald & D. Peacock (Eds.), Handbook of Disability, Crime, and Justice. Routledge.

Ψ Invited contribution


Towle, S. & Zidenberg, A.M. (2024). Sex Work as Public Health: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Canada’s COVID-19 Response for Sex Workers. In S. Shariff, C. Dietzel & K. Towfigh (Eds.) Confronting systemic omissions and impacts in educational policy: Navigating legal and policy lines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Peter Lang.


Wormith, J.S. & Zidenberg, A.M. (2018). The Historical Roots, Current Status, and Future Applications of the Risk-Needs-Responsivity Model (RNR). In E.L Jeglic & C. Calkins (Eds.), New frontiers in offender treatment—The translation of evidence-based practices to correctional settings (pp. 11-41). New York, NY: Springer.

Manuscripts Under Review

Iqbal, S., Zidenberg, A.M., & Schweir, M. (Submitted). Examining Correlates of Multiple Perpetrator Rape Proclivity in Men. Manuscript submitted for publication.


Neable, L. & Zidenberg, A.M. (Submitted). The Psychologist with the Dragon Tattoo: The Effect of Gender on Perceptions of Tattooed Mental Health Professionals. Manuscript submitted for publication.


Schweir, M., Zidenberg, A.M., & Iqbal, S. (Submitted). Exploring Correlates of Multiple Perpetrator Rape Proclivity in Women. Manuscript submitted for publication.


Zidenberg A.M., & Sparks, B. (Submitted). Engaging with Extremely Online Psychology Students: Creating a Meme “Study Guide.” Manuscript submitted for publication.

Technical Reports

Wright, J., Zidenberg, A.M., Fraser, L., Peter, T., Cameron, L., & Jakubiec, B. (2022). Speak Out: Addressing 2SLGBTQI Youth Dating Violence. Lessons on how to support Canadian 2SLGBTQI youth who face dating violence. Egale Canada, Toronto, ON.


Zidenberg, A.M., Wilson, E., Valensky, S., Ross, D., Nicholls, T., Monaghan, A., Parnell, P., & Lamba, R. (2022). General, Specialized, and Indigenous Courts in British Columbia: What is the Appropriate Role of Forensic Psychiatric Services? British Columbia Mental Health & Substance Use Services, Vancouver, BC.


Zidenberg, A., Dutrisac, S., Akca, D., & Jewell L. (2021). Jurisdictional Review of Custody Trends by Offender Characteristics. Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science and Justice Studies - University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.


Zidenberg, A., Kerodal, A.G., Jewell, L.M., Mathias, K., Smith, B., Luther, G., & Wormith, J.S. (2020). Evaluation of the Saskatoon Mental Health Strategy (MHS) Court: Outcome and Cost Analysis. Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science and Justice Studies - University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.


Mathias, K., Zidenberg, A., Florchinger, C., Smith, B., Jewell, L. M., Wormith, J. S., & Luther, G. (2019). Professionals’ perceptions of the Saskatoon Mental Health Strategy (MHS) Court. Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science and Justice Studies - University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.


Zidenberg, A. (2017). A Snapshot of Youth Research Participation at Abilities Centre. Whitby, Ontario: Abilities Centre.


Leo, J. & Zidenberg, A. (2016). 2016 Membership Survey Report. Whitby, Ontario: Abilities Centre.


Leo, J. & Zidenberg, A. (2016). What our Members are Saying: Results of the 2016 Membership Survey. Whitby, Ontario: Abilities Centre.


Zidenberg, A. & Leo, J. (2016). Transitional Aged Youth Programing: A Feasibility Study. Whitby, Ontario: Abilities Centre.

Selected Conference Presentations

Zidenberg, A.M., & Wright, J.E. (2022, June 2). Researching Sexual Violence in Higher Education: Examining Queer and Tran Students' Experience. Paper presented at the 2022 Canadian Virtual Summit on the Prevention of Sexual Violence in Higher Education, Ottawa, Ontario.

Zidenberg, A.M., Dutrisac, S., & Olver, M. (2022, June). No Ragrets: The Effect of Visible Tattoos on Perceptions of a Clinical Psychologist. Poster to be presented at the 83rd Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Calgary, Alberta.

Zidenberg, A.M., Dutrisac, S., Akca, D., & Jewell, L. (2022, May 30-31). Jurisdictional Review of Custody Trends by Offender Characteristics in Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. Poster presented at the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science and Justice Studies’ 19th Biennial Violence and Aggression Symposium, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Ψ Best Student Poster winner

Zidenberg, A.M., Kerodal, A., Jewell, L., Luther, G., & Wormith, J.S. (2021, November). Saskatoon Mental Health Strategy (MHS) Court: Outcome and Cost Evaluation. Paper presented at the Custody and Caring 17th Biennial International Conference on the Nurse's Role in the Criminal Justice System, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Ψ Second place Custody and Caring Conference presentation award

Zidenberg, A. M., Rine, S.S.A., & Olver, M. (2021, October). Correctional and Forensic Contexts of d/Deaf Persons Who Commit Sexual Offences: Implications for Assessment and Treatment. Poster presented at the 40th Annual Research and Treatment Conference for the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Zidenberg, A. M., Sparks, B., & Raichuk, E. (2021, October). Examining Depictions of Bestiality in Canadian Child Exploitation Materials. Paper to be presented at the 40th Annual Research and Treatment Conference for the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Sparks, B. & Zidenberg, A. (2020, October). To the Left, To the Left: Incel Experiences on Dating Apps. Poster presented at the 39th Annual Research and Treatment Conference for the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Zidenberg, A.M. & Clow, K.A. (2020, March). No One’s Interested in Something You Didn’t Do: Student Perceptions of Releasees and Exonerees. Paper presented at the 2020 American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Zidenberg, A. M., Sparks, B., Harkins, L., & Lidstone, S. (2019, June). Prejudicial attitudes towards weight and sexual violence. Poster presented at the 4th North American Correctional Criminal Justice Psychology Conference held in conjunction with the 80th Annual National Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Zidenberg, A. & Curwen, T. (2017, October). The Role of the Family: Concerning Sexual Behaviour in Children. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Research and Treatment Conference for the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Loney, D.M., Harkins, L., & Zidenberg, A. (2016, November). Validating the Measure of Life Priorities: A questionnaire based measure of Good Lives Model goods. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Research and Treatment Conference for the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Orlando, Florida, USA.



Zidenberg, A.M. (2022). What Do You Meme? Student Experiences Learning Psychology with Memes. King’s University College Internal Research Grant, $3,839


Zidenberg, A.M., & Olver, M. (2020). Toward a Greater Understanding of the Assessment, Prevention, and Psychological Correlates of Animal Sexual Abuse. Centre for Forensic Behavioural Sciences and Justice Studies Graduate Student Research Award, $2,250


Under Review

Zidenberg A.M. & Sparks, B. (2022). A Scoping Review on Incels: A Radical Group or a Vulnerable One? Knowledge Synthesis Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and Women and Gender Equality Canada, $ 29,825

Awards and Scholarships


  • 2022: Graduate Student Research Award, ATSA, $1,000 (+ travel)

  • 2022: Best Student Poster, Violence and Aggression Symposium, $250

  • 2022: J. Stephen Wormith Graduate Research Award, Criminal Justice Psychology Section of the Canadian Psychological Association, $1000

  • 2020: Professional Development Award, Canadian Council of Departments of Psychology, $500

  • 2019: Travel Bursary Award, Canadian Psychological Association Section on Women and Psychology (SWAP), $250

  • 2016: La bourse Donata Lajoie, Université Laurentienne, $1,500

  • 2015: Mr. Kenneth Le M. Carter Graduate Award, Canadian Scholarship Trust, $7,500

  • 2011: Simon Wiesenthal Scholarship, Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre, $500


Dr. Zidenberg receives the J. Stephen Wormith graduate research award from
Dr. Olver at the Criminal Justice section meeting of the CPA in Calgary, Alberta


Dr. Zidenberg as the 2022 ATSA Graduate Research Award winner

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